My fortunate family each got a personalised 1/12 roombox for Christmas. I make all my Christmas gifts are hand made by me with assistance from my husband. For 2011 he took charge of the frames, the back boxes, their painting and assembly and I was responsible for the interiors. Each roombox portrays each recipient’s personality and hobbies. Here are the photos…
Bill Kinsey’s stuffed study – It’s how I imagine his study to be and Lynn assures me I got it about right (Bill quietly agreed!). The photos include Lynn and Rhys and my trip to Zim and maps of the USA, Zim and Amsterdam.
Tom Cole’s workshop – all my life I remember him tinkering in his garage or workshop making fixing or creating something and of course reading Popular Mechanics!
Dave McWilliams’ stamp room – he loves all things CocaCola, books and stamps but Wendy wishes that his stamp room would be as neat as this one!
Lynn Kinsey’s corner – a quiet corner for what she loves surrounded by the two most important men in her life, Bill and Rhys. The sewing box is packed with all the necessities for her fantastic embroideries.
Jenny Cole’s painting patio – my mom loves her garden and has taken up painting again, the painting on the easel is a mini of the painting she did for me. The magazines are her favourite “Fairlady”.
Mother Goose’s potting shed – I made one of these for myself and when MG saw it she loved it and has visited it every time her and my dad visit. The book is Mother Goose.
Shelly and Evan’s recreation room – this roombox was a departure for me because I don’t work in a modern theme, the photo of them was taken during a weekend visit to us during the time I was working on this roombox and it fitted in so perfectly. The mini gumball machine was a great find.
Wendy McWilliams’ serene stoep – a little bit of serenity for Wendy to enjoy a cup of tea and the latest Danielle Steel novel