Blossom Cottage

After much planning, scheming, researching ideas on the internet, I have started my first miniature project which is a cottage styled dollshouse constructed from scratch (i.e. no kit).

So here a few pictures of the progress so far….

Panel pins (tiny nails) and wood glue hold this construction together. The brick finish was seen in a magazine article and modified by Rhys and I to be able to be printed on our home printer. I used decoupage techniques to apply and seal the bricks onto the “box” of the cottage.

I came up with the staircase design myself and then had to modify to get it to fit, well sort of fit anyway!

Browsing hundreds of miniatures websites, one of the best things I saw was the use of Lego blocks to hold bits together while glue dries. Brilliant! The blocks are perfectly square so it helps a lot to get things glued straight. Definitely makes life easier when making bookcases! The bookcases fit either side beneath the lower staircase.

So, I am learning a lot and finding patience I never knew I had but I am enjoying every step…..

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